Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Higher, Faster, Stronger, The Olympics at Buckingham Palace

We celebrated London and the upcoming summer Olympics with our Ides greeting June 16th.  Don and Janet organized competitions and medals were handed out.
  1.  Slow Cycling Endurance - le tour de Beacon Hill - 5 metres whoever finishes last wins the gold
  2.  Floatie Synchronized Swimming - pairs will compete on flotation devices to show off their best synch moves
  3. Intergalactic Water polo - Beacon Hill residents vs. The Rest of the Known World of IDES
  4. Ubermodern Duathalon - Watermelon seed spitting and swallow end of pool triple jump
  5.  Linguistic Gymnasitics - The Olympic Committee pretentious wine tasting competition
Bernard won the Slow Cycling Edurance, the Bales won the Floatie Synchronized Swimming, the Intergalactic Water Polo was a tie and Jean-Claude won the Ubermodern Duathalon!  The Linguistic Gymnastics was a lot of fun but no winner was declared!

We had wonderful food.  Hors d'oeuvres were all needed for a Ploughman's lunch, cold cuts, pickles unions, gerkhins, deviled eggs, cheese.  Supper included cornish pasties, bangers and mash, lasagna and wonderful strawberry shortcake with freshly picked strawberries, freshly made jam, clotted cream and/or whipped cream! 

Sunday, June 17, 2012

Lunch at Mariposa Farm - May 6, 2012

We had a beautiful day for our visit and lunch at Mariposa Farm.  Both the Wrights and Dextras-Barres travel the 45 km to the farm in Plantagenet every December 24th to buy the Christmas turkey.

Lunch was great with three choices, bison, lamb and duck.  We visited the farm, saw geese, duck, a sow and her piglets and the vegetable garden both outside and in the hot house.

The group just before going in to eat

Mariposa Farm offers foie gras

For more pictures, see Flickr album