Monday, April 20, 2009

Saturday April 18, 2009- Italy

As always, our Ides Supper Club was a success again this month. There were 9 members present and the theme was italian and we had a wonderful meal at Michèle & Jean-Claude's home. Jean-Claude had set the table using three tablecloths, green, white and red as the colours of the Italian flag.  Jolene told us that one of the interpretations of the three colours of the Italian flag are green for hope, white representing faith and red representing charity. 

Dan & Colette brought a wonderful hors-d'oeuvre of roasted asparagus wrapped in proscuitto with a aioli dipping sauce, great way to begin. We had three salads, two versions of caprese salad brought by Don & Janet and a antipasto salad provided by the hosts. Our main courses were chicken marsala with a wonderful sauce brought by Jolene and Ted and a very traditional lasagna made by Michèle. Debbie made a delicious free form loaf of bread with parmesan and herbs. It was agreed that this type of bread could not be cut with a knife but pieces torn off was much more appropriate!   Dinner was topped off with a sinfully rich & light textured tiramisu made by Dan. 

Conversations were animated, the music was great provided by Jean-Claude and appropriately italian. 

Next month will be at Debbie and Jon's home and the theme is Food in Songs on May 23rd.  June 20th will be BBQ at Dan & Colette's home.